About Us

Hi, I am Karen.

I really do love being creative, but I still have trouble writing about myself.

Firstly, I am a loving wife, and I will say fun mom with 2 boys ages 14 and 9 years. I love to go for walks and explore nature as it feels like I am closer to God and all his beautiful creations. I love to laugh, be silly and have fun and spend time with the ones I love. Family means the world to me.

Growing up I would have never dreamed of making my hobby my job, but now I could not see it any other way.

I have a very relaxed nature, so I take every session as it comes. I feel like things need to just go with the flow, the more relaxed and natural the surrounding that’s when the most beautiful images are captured. I also believe everyone is beautiful just the way they are.

My style is very natural, so simplicity is my aim. This style of photography will not date as colour and props are used minimally.

 I really feel so blessed to have a job that gives me so much fulfilment in being able to witness and capture all these precious memories for my clients.

Honestly, I really just want to use this space to say thank you for taking an interest in myself and my work.


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Phone: 041 674 0314 City of Gold Coast Australia

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